Skyline - Шаблон Moto CMS 3 для бізнесу, стоматології, архітектури та подорожей
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5 Відгуків про цей товар
What I like about the dentist layout is that it has a nice “smile gallery”. That is a good practice to keep such funny blocks on website, I have used it on my website and included a “before and after rubric” to show my patients the results. And that looks really awesome and reliable!
I needed a cool construction website and was surfing through the web. I must say that I didn`t believe that any multipurpose themes can be good for niche websites, but this one was pretty well. Special thanks to technical support guys who helped me with the installation.
Travelling skin is not that bad. I have tried free demo version because I wanted to make sure that the functionality will be a fit for my travel agency. Drag and drop builder was really useful, but I would suggest you guys to add more images to the gallery to choose from.
I really like parallax and animation. This is not my first purchase of MotoCMS, but this template is one of their best products. As a web developer I show different skins to my clients and save much time, because they can be switched in a click. Good job, guys!
I am building a site for home repair services in Canmore. Customization is going far quicker than an office renovation, lol. I hope to finish the project in a week, but I think that with this template it will be done even faster. Thank you guys, keep on with more construction designs.
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