Fenimore - Шаблон юридичної фірми Moto CMS 3
Бажаєте самостійно створити сайт для юридичної компанії? Веб-шаблон юридичної фірми стане чудовим інструментом для запуску вашого проекту. Всі шаблони, представлені в нашому каталозі, мають стильний дизайн, що відповідає сучасним тенденціям. Крім того, зручна адмін-панель полегшить налаштування сторінок, а корисні віджети приємно здивують кожного клієнта своєю функціональністю. Спробуйте цей професійний шаблон і налаштуйте його за лічені хвилини.
Журнал змін
Recuidi v1.2 2021-03-23
- Minor improvements were made to Recent Posts and Post List widgets. Now the admin panel always displays the current list of blog posts;
- Added content blocks with the ready-made design;
- Updated to the newest MotoCMS 3 version;
- Bugs fixed.
Recuidi v1.1 2019-03-07
- Added pop-up window functionality to allow users create and edit pop-ups;
- The Accordion widget was added. This functionality allows to improve design and display content in a new way;
- A new effect has been added to the admin panel. It allows setting custom designs for hovers on different content blocks;
- The new Advanced Slider widget was added to the admin panel. It allows you to represent essential content as compelling slides so to enhance the value of the slider on your website. Feel free to edit necessary slides by customizing their background using color, video or images;
- Google Map Pro - a new advanced Google Map widget was added to the admin panel. Using it, you can not only connect to Google Maps and display your office location on the website pages, but also choose different map themes, customize the controls display and add the necessary markers;
- A new feature was added to the admin panel. It is an excellent alternative to LiveChat which allows clients to get in touch with you via the most popular messengers and also leave their details for further contact with managers;
- Tags and Categories for Blog are added to the admin panel. They will help you to sort out your content and so will make the search on your blog comfortable and efficient for users;
- Updated to the newest MotoCMS 3 version;
- Bugs fixed.
1 Відгуків про цей товар
I like this template, it's easily customizable and well designed.
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